2. Eagerness for Quick Results

This pattern refers to the strong desire and the related behavior characterized by wanting to achieve a goal or see the desired outcome quickly without considering the objective conditions and the laws of the matter in question. 

Examples are: 

  • I expect my chronic back pain to disappear after practicing Tian Yuan for three days. 
  • I sincerely hope that my very first Yuan Gong workshop will be fully booked. 
  • I must train my child to become a top pianist in a few years. 
  • I have been working hard on my patterns for half a year. Why is it that I can still get angry easily?

Related patterns include: Fixed Expectations, Self- Centeredness, Stubbornness, Greediness, Competitiveness, Unfounded Suspicion, Over Generalization, Excessive Expectations, Approval Seeking, Driven Solely by Self-Interest, Lack of Patience, Urge to Control, Tormented by Loss and Gain, Envy and Jealousy. 

This pattern can easily lead to stress, tension, nervousness, anxiety and frustration. Disturbance to Xin and Shen could become commonplace and Qi can get wasted. It could also lead to additional patterns such as Seeking Instant Success and Immediate Gain, Impetuousness, and Lacking Foresight. It can seriously jeopardize one’s ability to achieve significant, long- term goals.

  • It is important to be positive and objective towards what we try to achieve. Understand that construction work should start at the ground level when building a high-rise structure. Haste makes waste. ‘Pulling the seedlings upward to help them grow’ will not help. Instead, it may achieve nothing. Persistence, perseverance and patience are essential if we want to move closer and closer to the goal. 
  • Understand that the process is just as important as the result, if not more so. 
  • Before diving into action, calmly examine the goal, the motivation, the process, the means and the desired outcome and determine whether they are beneficial for oneself and for all. Waiting to receive positive confirmation before starting, does not make it too late. Considering every action with care, in a responsible way, is a great success in itself.