1. Polarized Thinking

2. Over-Generalization

3. Unfounded Suspicion

4. Negativity, Withdrawal, Inactivity, and Pessimism

5. Fixed Expectations, Preconceptions, Taking Things for Granted, and False Assumptions

6. Greediness

7. Self-Centeredness

8. Avoiding and Hiding

9. Stubbornness

10. Fight for Dominance and Desire for Victory (Competitiveness)

1. Indecisiveness

2. Eagerness for Quick Results

3. Seeking Maximal Certainty

4. Excessive Expectations

5. Making Unnecessary Comparison

6. Ignoring and Avoiding Action

7. Hypocrisy and Pretense

8. Double Standards

9. Approval Seeking

10. Perfectionism

11. Driven Solely by Self-Interest

12. Lack of Patience

13. Urge to Control

14. Responding with Negative Emotions

15. Envy and Jealousy

16. Laziness and Procrastination

17. Shirking and Shifting Responsibility

18. Tormented by Loss and Gain

19. Resentment and Revenge

20. Exaggerating and Debasing